Brief introduction to science Bhairav ​​system
 Science begins with the questions of Bhairava Tantra Devi.  Devi asks such questions, which seem to be philosophical.  But Shiva does not answer in the same manner.  Devi asks - Lord, what is your truth?  Shiva does not answer this question and gives a method instead.  If the goddesses go through this method, they will get answers.  Therefore the answer is indirect, not direct.
 Shiva does not tell who I am, he gives a method.  They say: Do this and you will know.  To know is to do for the system.  You ask a question and the philosophy gives an answer, whether you are satisfied with it or not, if satisfied then you become a follower of that philosophy, but you remain the same.  And if you are not satisfied, you go out in search of another philosophy, which can give satisfaction.  But, you remain the same, untouched, unchanged.
 Therefore the system does not give a solution, it gives a method for the solution to be available.  If you tell a blind man something about light, it would be intellectual to say that.  And if the blind is able to see itself, it will be an existential thing.  Tantra exists, in this sense.
 All texts of Tantra are dialogues between Shiva and Devi.  Devi asks and Shiva answers.  All Tantra texts start like this.  Why?  Why this way?  It is very meaningful.  This dialogue is not a dialogue between a guru and a disciple, this dialogue takes place between two lovers.  Tantra reports a very meaningful thing through this: that deep learning cannot be imparted unless there is a love affair between the two, the disciple and the master.
Our work is being done by divine powers.  Therefore, do not make any ego that I am doing such a thing.  We will fight the last battle of this century, then India will become a country not a Mahabharata.  Ideas will be cut off from ideas, thought revolution will change everyone's thoughts.  Seeing, the whole world will be gay.  When this Mahadayya (India) wakes up, its spiritual knowledge will make the ten directions tremble.  This is the time of the Holocaust, but the Holocaust is not yet approved by God.  This creation will remain as long as the sun and moon exist.  Age change is inevitable, Mahakal is doing the necessary purpose for it.  The new era is fast approaching, no one can stop it.  The sage traditions of ancient times will be reputed.
             The purpose of Yoga is to live firmly.Live strong as a life, not just strong with the body.

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